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writing | bloggers who do it well

As I’ve mentioned before, probably more than once, my favourite blogs are those where the content is individual, well-written, and just plain interesting for one reason or another.  Last month I shared the ‘bloggers I want to be like’, and this month’s installment is three bloggers who write in a way I aspire to.  Writing elegantly is a skill that I’d love to have and utilise in my ‘grown up’ life somehow, so hopefully through practice and reading others’ writing, I hope to improve further.

So, in no particular order, here are three bloggers that I think deserve more recognition for their writing talent!


scarphelia_edited-1Katie’s blog is so straight talking and honest, and that’s exactly what I love about it.  Her little flashes of tongue in cheek humour make me imagine that this girl probably talks very similarly to me in real life, and we all know that relatable blogs are the best.  Lifestyle posts – of the ‘what I’ve been up to’ variety – are nice on any blog, but what I love about Katie’s is how they are always interspersed with some ‘deeper’ ideas about life in general.  Nothing overly philosophical, but for example her ‘Become a Tourist of Your Everyday’ post was eye-opening and sounded like a brilliant way of creating an adventure.  Not only are her posts unique and clever, but the layout and photography is consistently equal parts pretty and professional.

Urban Tease


Chloe is based in Minnesota, and there’s something automatically interesting about a lifestyle blog from another country.  (I know, America isn’t exactly a mysterious culture but still, it’s different across the pond!).  The majority of her posts consist of style or beauty in some form, complimented by very honest writing about her life lately.  I really like how Chloe talks about all sorts of different aspects of her life: family, ‘tackling adulthood’ as she puts it, spirituality and all sorts.  She’s been blogging for 5 years now and seems to have it down to a T, and I’d recommend a read. 🙂

Flora E. May

floraemayFlora strikes me instantly as such a sweet girl; she’s left some thoughtful comments on my blog before and I always remember those!  Again she posts so honestly and openly, and I love how she writes so well about even the simplest of topics. (A post about turtlenecks, for example).  When reading her blog, I feel like I’m reading words that have been written for the joy of writing and sharing, rather than for the sake of gaining followers, so it feels really genuine.  She’s so pretty and has such fab hair too, which stands out so well against the simple layout of her site!

I hope you click through and show these gals some bloggy love!  Right now I feel like hibernating and having some proper internet catch-up time with the storm outside as background noise.  Almost all my posts seem to end with wishing for the weekend but it’s only 2 days left ’til half term now!  I genuinely feel like I live at school – staying an extra 2 hours to continue working has become the norm for us year 11s.  I’m sure it can’t be right that we’re spending sooo much of our time actually at school, but there’s just so much coursework and past papers to complete, and our teachers are investing so much effort.  Who knew high school could be such hard work?  Hopefully it’ll all be worth it in the end. 🙂

lily x

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