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We all need girly days once in a while!  Toni and I met up for a day of… well we didn’t actually have any plans other than meeting in Topshop.  Always a good place to start, yes?  Lots of trying on clothes and choosing for each other, followed by lots of feeling bad for the poor sales assistants because we weren’t actually gonna buy any.  Oopsie.  Tapas lunch was found, more browsing and trying on was done (on a full belly of tapas… not the finest idea) and then we found ourselves at the Debenhams Urban Decay counter.  By complete fluke, of course.  Melissa the lovely makeup assistant offered to try out the Electrics palette on us both, and above is the finished look.  Personally I think Toni suits the brights far better than I do!


Few quick snaps before it poured down for the rest of the afternoon.  Predictably.


top: River Island from donkey’s years ago | jeans: these New Look ones (again) | shoes: Dorothy Perkins


jacket, jeans and shoes: New Look

I love Toni’s outfit!  Very tempted to buy a sleeveless blazer for myself now.  She blogs too.  We’d never really spent any time together before, aside from quick chats at college, but arranged to meet up anyway, because why not.  Some people you just know you’re gonna get along with!


Turns out if you start breaking out some moves, people join in, especially in the middle of Winckley Square.  Nice one, guys in the van doing the macarena!  Then turning around and driving past again, still doing the macarena… Who knew a few quick outfit photos could be such entertainment?

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    30th July 2015 at 12:47 am

    It is great that you and Toni found the time to hang out outside of college. It sounds like you had a fun day!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      1st August 2015 at 8:05 am

      We did indeed have a fun day! I like arranging to meet up with people regardless of having spent time together before 😀

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