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8 In fashion/ writing challenge

november writing challenge | day 28 | worries


“What worries you?”

I’ve had a good think about this and nothing is springing to mind, which I guess means there is nothing significant worth worrying about!  Unless I’m just having a complete mindblank, but I don’t think so.  Best just to be honest I think: I’m not gonna pretend to be deeply worried about something when I’m not!  Of course we all have good days and bad days – ask me again on a bad day and my answer might be different – but in general I’m a happier girly right now than I have been in a while.  Day to day I’ll always find something to whinge about (don’t we all?), but I’m not really worried about anything so to speak.  *Touch wood*


Wearing a handknit again – this one was made back in 2012 and I still love it.  I’m not a big hoodie wearer really, but a fitted lacy one is right up my street. :D  Handmade clothes can be so much more flattering with all the tailoring options and modifications to get the perfect fit, that you’d never see in any commercial knitwear.  Shop-bought baggy jumpers are all good though; the extra time making something oversized doesn’t seem worth it!


Thinking about it this is actually a pretty weird outfit… summer lacy hoodie with a big winter coat, short summer skirt with winter socks and boots.  Bit odd really.  Ah well, weird is me so why not.  I’d feel far more self-conscious in a completely boring outfit than a mixed up one – the idea of being boring kinda scares me haha!




Late afternoon/early evening light is spectacular at the minute!  Pretty sunsets every day.  The area near our house seems to glow around that time.  My mum and I comment on the light whenever it’s nice (I think I texted her about it from the motorway once haha) but other people sometimes think it’s a bit strange.  ‘What’s so nice about it?’ etc, umm… it’s difficult to explain!?  Soft and low sun? Idk…


hoodie: Handknit (Laika by Ysolda Teague) | skirt: H&M | boots: Next | socks: Primark | coat: Topshop

As of today I’m starting a 3 week detox/shred/cleanse of sorts – spontaneous decision by the boyfriend and I’s that it would be a good idea!  I’ll probably keep some form of log on here, so if anyone’s interested in that kinda thing, let me know!  Be interesting to see how I get on, and aptly timed before Christmas. 😉

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    30th November 2014 at 10:11 pm

    I love your hoodie! The color is stunning!
    xo, Scarlett
    The Trendy Chick

    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd December 2014 at 8:12 pm

      Thanks Scarlett!

  • Reply
    1st December 2014 at 9:08 am

    Lovely pictures, the lighting is so magical!
    Hannah x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd December 2014 at 8:13 pm

      Thank you! It’s amazing at the minute, the little daylight we do get at least!

  • Reply
    1st December 2014 at 2:59 pm

    Does this mean no mince pies? Oh no!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd December 2014 at 8:16 pm

      No mince pies for the minute, yes! They’re selling them for 25p at college too! 😮
      I just find that if I tell myself to do ‘moderation’, then it kinda doesn’t work out like that. If I tell myself that no ‘treats’ are allowed, then it seems to change my mindset and I stick to it! I’ve told my friends and family not to offer me anything either, which really helps haha!

  • Reply
    2nd December 2014 at 9:14 pm

    Pretty pretty, your hair is gorgeous!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      7th December 2014 at 2:18 pm

      Thank you Kylie!

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