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wanderlust | can you enjoy travel without actually leaving home?

Boats on Windermere in Cumbria UK

Old-fashioned map reading

Few things get me as giddy and excited as the prospect of a new trip.  By ‘giddy and excited’ I’m talking full on squealy noises btw – not just a little smile!  This mood just comes over me sometimes when all I want to do is just GO.  It’s some kind of weird compulsive feeling.  I see a travel pic online, then a load more, then I’m sucked into that social media black hole and feeling incredibly jealous.  Social media didn’t start my obsession, but it sure as hell increased it!  Of all the things to be envious of, I’d say travel is a pretty good one.  Envy over body image really isn’t healthy, and envy over material posessions is just pointless altogether.  Neither do anything for your self esteem.  Travel envy though?  Just about the most inspirational thing ever.  GoPro videos especially.  Gives me all the feels.


A couple of small things going by the names of ‘college’ and ‘budget’ are getting in the way a teensy bit atm, which is annoying.  Also why I’m trying to make the most of my weekends to JUST GO wherever I can, rather than sitting at home pining over Pinterest.  Going places for the sake of going places was one of my resolutions!  People who ‘get’ this are the best kind of people.  You don’t even anywhere new or fancy, sometimes old favourite escapes are the best.  A different time of day or a different season can change the vibes completely.  Last weekend – Saturday afternoon drive / walk around Waterhead, Ambleside, and Coniston in the Lake District.


I visited this exact place around Coniston loads of times over summer (watch me get pushed in the lake here) but it was completely different on a late Saturday afternoon in January.  Well, the lake itself was probably slightly colder (if that’s even possible) but the feel of the place was completely different too.  Calm and serene in a weird kind of way, and so devoid of any breeze that the trees looked 2D.  Don’t analyse the logic on that one – they just did.  Of course I’ve ran a brightening filter or two on these photos too – let’s get real, british drizzly skies need a little help!  But yeah, I’ve taken to acting like a typical tourist walking around with a camera round my neck, looking for photo opportunities in everything.



Of all the travel articles I’ve read lately (and trust me, they are many) most have recommended priorisiting a ‘travel fund’ over other non-necessities, which totally makes sense.  But I hit a bit of a problem with that approach – they suggested cutting out the days out and nights out and fun in the meantime to save money.  Prioritising long term over short term, basically.  A difficult one for impatient people like me!  I could save all my money for travels over summer, but that would mean saying no to fun times with people.  That’s not to say you can’t have fun on a tight budget, of course you can, but it’s nice to be able to enjoy things like yummy milkshakes along the way isn’t it?  I’m just trying to strike a balance at the minute.  I can’t pass through Ambleside without stopping at Esquires for a milkshake, for example.  Raspberry and almond to taste like bakewell tart, at the barista’s recommendation!



Safe to say I’m very much looking forward to a little getaway this weekend. :)  The mother and I are headed to Yorkshire for a night’s stay in a hotel, and I can’t wait to make the most of it.  Anyway, tell me your opinion – scrimp and save every last penny for epic adventures, or take every opportunity for adventure, no matter how small?


lily kate x

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  • Reply
    29th January 2016 at 5:34 pm

    You should just take small trips whenever you can! The Lakes District is beautiful and I want to go there someday. My mum loves it there, and she goes with her husband often. I think she is in Edinburgh now, so a bit farther afield and unrelated. But I would have to save up and wait for the right opportunity to go to somewhere you can go easily, so why not take advantage, have a lovely weekend and tell me all about it! One day, I will be back in England and I will look through your blog for suggestions of nice places.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      1st February 2016 at 6:35 pm

      Don’t think I’m gonna stop going on small trips! You’d love the Lake District. I’d love to visit Edinburgh too!
      I did have a lovely weekend thank you, I’m working on the blog post now. It’d definitely be on my list of recommended places for when you come to England!

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