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4 In fashion

twirl | a thrifty black mac

Long tousled brunette hair


Today’s been a good Sunday.  Now that I’ve said that it’s guaranteed to turn into The Worst Sunday of All Time, but let’s just gloss over that little fact and pretend, shall we?  Sundays, in my book, are for getting stuff done.  Running errands… picking up random things for whatever’s happening next week… setting up camp in the living room with a laptop and a brew, mopping up the tasks you were supposed to do during the week but didn’t… etc.  Saturday’s a good ‘going places’ day; Sundays I quite like home.  They’re for taking blog photos, obviously.  Sunday’s a good bloggy day.  The sunrise over this park has been stunning every morning this week except for today when we turned up extra early to photograph it, but what can you do.  Pink skies, hazy winter morning light – would’ve looked nice wouldn’t it?  Use your imagination please.


Also please use your imagination to picture this coat worn by someone who doesn’t look like their legs have been twisted backwards when they try to twirl.  Someone a little lot more elegant than yours truly.  Wouldn’t be difficult.  How could I NOT at least attempt a spin in this coat though?  Which is a gem of a thrifty find, I must add, so sadly can’t link you up.  That skirt though!  Ultimate Mary Poppins.  Obviously my style icon on a daily basis.  Well, not every day, but sometimes the twirliest dress-coat feels like just the right thing to wear.  Sunday morning walk in a park occasions, for example. 😛


I’m not even sure who my ultimate ‘Style Icon’ would be if I was forced to pick one.  Brigitte Bardot would be up there, but I’m equally obsessed with Lupita Nyong’o’s red carpet style as I am with the outfits in 60s films so choosing one would be pretty difficult.  A couple of people commented that I looked different this week in a black leather, dark red and dark lipstick ensemble, and I quite like that – not sticking to one ‘style’.  Indecisive would be a good word to describe me in general tbh!


Yeah, never was too great at pirouettes.  Even after 14 years of ballet I just couldn’t crack it.


Oh and I found a dropped phone in a carpark today and *hopefully* managed to return it to its owner, too.  I went through the contacts, calling Debbie and Paul and Stuart and Donna (and about 6 others) until somebody finally answered and we arranged that I’d hand it in at Waitrose customer services.  Good deed for the day, done. :)  How’s your Sunday been?

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    Margarita Stepanyan
    25th January 2016 at 6:27 am

    Your hair is SO pretty, and so are you! I also agree, sunday for me is also about getting things done. Although I get scared thinking about the long week ahead and that makes me nervous, but I try to get everything done. You are really photogenic and the quality of your photos is really nice.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      27th January 2016 at 10:51 am

      Thank you so much Margarita! I always freak out a little bit about the amount of stuff ahead of me too, but just try to do my best.
      Thank you again!

  • Reply
    Liakada Travel
    25th January 2016 at 9:36 am

    I love the coat, it is gorgeous!

    Ash | Liakada

    • Reply
      lily kate
      27th January 2016 at 10:56 am

      Thank you Ash! Such a lucky find!

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