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9 In Spain/ travel

the fergus | majorca

Hotel room at The Fergus Resort, Magaluf, Majorca

If Majorca pt.1 was all go go go, pt.2 was chill chill chill.  And food food food.  With a few drinks thrown in for good measure. :)  After 3 days at BH Mallorca we spent our final day and night at the Fergus Resort, winding down soaking up the sun and just generally loving life tbh.  None of us wanted to leave the first hotel, but let’s just say being greeted by these views softened the blow!


Knowing we only had until 4pm the next day we set to work exploring the hotel right away, and somehow managed to score an entire pool area to ourselves.  I don’t think I’ve had a more chilled 3 hours in the past year as those 3 spent by the pool chatting about anything and everything with our little group.  I also don’t think I’ve ever been quite so windswept, but that’s the price you pay for the beachy views I guess!


Case in point.  What a cute lil’ hairstyle.


Many poolside sangrias.  When in Spain!  Of the three pool areas (two of swimming depth, one of paddling-and-taking-photos depth) we chose the more secluded option, as most of the loungers around the seaview pool were unsurprisingly taken.




Any excuse to crack out the handmade pieces – even The Most Useless Swimsuit Known To Man.


Actually, I tell a lie.  Lunch was first on the agenda.  Behold the mountain of veggie fishy things, once again!  If I remember rightly I had dogfish in green sauce, and realllyyy liked the breaded aubergine too.


All inclusive isn’t really all inclusive without an ice cream sprinkle station, IMO.



All the space to starfish in bed!  The rooms felt equal parts cosy and fresh – top combo.  Cosy perhaps isn’t the word that springs to mind during 27 degree heat and it obviously wasn’t a feather duvet situation, but it felt very welcoming.  Oh and I decided I kinda maybe definitely need some hexagonal mirrors in my bedroom.  I’ve already planned which wall they’ll go on.


One thing (amongst 6193 others) that I love about heat abroad is the way it lingers so long into the evening.  Granted by 10pm we were pretty chilly eating dinner outside, but those quiet few hours around 7pm when most are mid-siesta are so lovely.  Just wandering round, taking the surroundings in and feeling the warmth on your back brings real ‘ahhhh so nice’ feelings.  If that even makes sense.


See what I mean about the chill feels?


Onto dinner – and wowee what a dinner it was.  This one’s not part of a typical Fergus experience, but it made our last night extra special!  The executive chef came along to cook us a 6 course dinner on the terrace (yes, SIX) and me and my tummy were very happy about the experience.   Sushi… ‘fresh green aspargus in dual texture with citric yoghurt’… grilled Majorcan octopus flavoured with smoked bacon… lamb terrine… I could go on.  So fancy!  I can vouch that Majorcan wine is bloody good wine too.


The one group pic that wasn’t a selfie!  Also, note to self: don’t wear fitted dresses to eat a 6 course dinner.  What a stupid move Lily.


I frickin love sushi.  Be still my heart.


Well, I love all seafood tbh.  Octopus, come at me!  Sadly my photos of all the other courses weren’t brilliant because it’d gone dark, but I think you get the idea that we were pretty well looked after food-wise.




So generously looked after in fact, that I, Queen Of The Breakfast, didn’t want breakfast. Didn’t stop me from coffee on the terrace against one of the prettiest backdrops I ever did see though.  Course not.


My top’s fairly new and from New Look, but I can’t for the life of me find it on the website.  Just in case you have a baby blue bardot top shaped hole in your wardrobe or something.  Sunglasses are from Primark, of all the places!



In case you’re wondering what’s the reason behind the random truck photo: that’s our luggage going off to the airport without us.  Deliberately not at the end of this post either – our suitcases left 5 hours before we did!  Jet2holidays’ new Resort Flight Check-in system means the hassle of trudging your suitcase around all day between an 11am check out and 7pm flight (or fighting for luggage room space) is no more.  The Jet2 crew come along to your hotel, do the passport checking malarkey that you normally queue for ages for at the airport, and off it goes.  More pool and beach  time for us. :D  Oh and it’s free, just FYI.


I could handle food by 1pm.  I could 100% definitely handle mushroom risotto.


Bonus points to the Fergus for being 30 seconds from the beach!




I have no idea which hotel this was.  It just looked nice so I snapped.


These two happy gals were not too chuffed about leaving once the time came to hop on the minibus.  Can you blame us?  [Swimsuit from River Island]



Not gonna lie, ‘classy chilled out resort’ wasn’t what sprang to mind whenever anyone mentioned Magaluf, but our short but sweet stay at the Fergus was exactly that.  Minutes away from the infamous party strip if that’s your cup of tea, but the atmosphere couldn’t have been more different to the Magaluf preconception you probably have!  Loved it there. :D  Thank you again to Jet2Holidays for inviting me to Majorca!

Leading leisure airline Jet2.com offers friendly low fares, great flight times, and a generous 22kg baggage allowance to Majorca from Leeds Bradford Airport with daily flights from April to September.

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    10th June 2016 at 6:36 pm

    Omg what awesome photos!! Looks and sounds like you’ve had a great time!!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      12th June 2016 at 10:17 am

      Thanks Francesca! I took two cameras with me and literally had one round my neck and one round my wrist at all times. Was too pretty to miss a photo opp!

  • Reply
    10th June 2016 at 8:21 pm

    Your photos are lovely! It looks like a lovely chilled play to stay. Glad you had such a nice time!

    Corinne x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      12th June 2016 at 10:19 am

      Thank you Corinne! It was soooo chilled – don’t think I’ve been that relaxed in a long time haha. 😀

  • Reply
    11th June 2016 at 2:29 pm

    These photos are ridiculously gorgeous! You look so happy ^_^ & your hotel room looks immense! Glad you had such a wonderful time <3

    Katie // Words By Katie

    • Reply
      lily kate
      12th June 2016 at 10:24 am

      Aw thank you so much Katie! I was so bloody happy 😀 Looks so nice doesn’t it! Thank you 😀

  • Reply
    11th June 2016 at 7:38 pm

    Looks incredible! Glad you had such a good time! Love your blog so much 🙂

    • Reply
      lily kate
      12th June 2016 at 10:31 am

      Was incredible! Thank you so much, that’s so sweet of you!

  • Reply
    Travel blogging tips | What I've learnt in my first year
    27th June 2017 at 9:44 am

    […] year’s May bank holiday was considerably more hectic than this one will be.  I was in Mallorca on my first press trip, rather giddy, having lots of fun and taking as many cliché blogger photos […]

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