In fashion/ knitting/ sewing cold shoulder Told you I’ve had a pretty productive couple of weeks! Between us, my mum and I made this top from start to finish in… Continue Reading →
In DIY/ fashion/ knitting thank you! (& a finished project) First and foremost, thank you to each and every lovely one of you who took the time to comment, email and facebook me after… Continue Reading →
In fashion/ knitting old clothes | to wear or not to wear? Totally convincing myself that 2 warm days mean it’s July already, I’m wearing my summery white handknits a little ahead of time! Since my… Continue Reading →
In knitting/ ramblings my teenage crafts | knitting and the stereotypes For those of you who have read JoliHouse since it was my mum’s blog (thank you so much for sticking around!), this may come… Continue Reading →
In DIY/ fashion/ knitting/ school glad that’s done | gcse textiles project **This post was victim to an annoying bloglovin glitch that meant only one picture and no text actually showed up! Comments seemed to attach… Continue Reading →
In fashion/ knitting haven Firstly, thank you to everybody who left such thoughtful comments on my last post! So encouraging to receive such kind, informative and helpful feedback;… Continue Reading →
In DIY/ fashion/ knitting fitted knits Hello there full fringe! I asked my mum for a little trim on Friday (after her denying my request for a full fringe), but… Continue Reading →