In college/ knitting/ lifestyle/ writing challenge november writing challenge | day 20 | impressions I’m a day behind so I’m actually talking about today (the 21st), rather than the 20th like I should be. Oops. I’ll catch up,… Continue Reading →
In knitting/ writing challenge november writing challenge | day 13 | too much “What do you have too much of?” Yarn is the most obvious answer: my mum and I have accumulated quite a collection over the… Continue Reading →
In writing challenge november writing challenge | day 5 | loving your job “Do you love your job?” I’m guessing these questions were written for those slightly older than me! As a full time student I obviously… Continue Reading →
In fashion/ knitting strapless | my not-so-granny shawl Tie a shawl round your boobies and voila, strapless top, woo! The more ways you can wrap a piece of (very pretty) cloth around… Continue Reading →
In DIY/ fashion/ knitting under the pier A finished project that isn’t pink or white, who’d have thought? My mum and I have been determined to use up some of the… Continue Reading →
In fashion primark did it again Another mama-made top to share today – she’s churning them out at quite a pace these days! This little white crop is from ‘Knitting… Continue Reading →
In fashion/ knitting earthly | laddered sweater Recurring pink theme going on here you reckon? My mum and I only realised after starting all our recent projects that every single one… Continue Reading →