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6 In fashion

was nice while it lasted

Teen girl putting on denim jacket


Stripes, shocker!  Can’t seem to get enough of them, navy and white especially.  I’ll stop being quite so predictable soon, promise.  Did warn you.  Cute little flippy skirt though, no?  Don’t know what I ever wore before this denim jacket either. I’ve worn it practically every day in the 2 weeks I’ve had it.  Must add that we shot these photos last weekend too – no way I’d be braving it in today’s weather!  Shouldn’t really be surprised that it’s sunglasses and bare legs one day and jumpers, coats and umbrellas the next.  Nice one, England, loving it. 😀 😀 😀  Sunny weather lifts my mood so much!  Not that I feel down or anything when it’s grim and drizzly, but can’t help feeling 10x cheerier when it’s bright and warm.


skirt: Primark | jacket: TK Maxx | shoes: New Look | top: River Island

Yes, I tie my laces like a weirdo!  Big loopy bows looks weird but they’re really uncomfy tucked inside too, so knotted round my ankles works for me.  Apparently it looks like I’m scared somebody’s gonna run off with my shoes.  I’m wearing my converse-esque red and white pairs on rotation at the minute; they’re just such an easy option that seems to go with everything.  Spent far too long in New Look deliberating over this or this red pair haha, before realising that there’s far more to life than red or blue lines around the soles ad double or single tongues!  Why not match lipstick to shoes like a total cheeseball whilst I’m at it too eh?




**Please ignore the backside of a giant knitted mouse in the background there, would you?  Everybody has strange miscellaneous items in their bedroom!**


Hope everybody’s having a nice weekend so far!  I’m going for a calmer one right now, seeing as it’s pretty miserable out anyway.  I had a cute friday night in and ran a couple of errands today, but I’m trying to give myself a breather of sorts.  Seriously need it!  (She says, before going off to do an Insanity workout and probably a load of other stuff and it’s already nearly 7pm.  It’s all relative. 😛 ).  I’ve tried to catch up on sleep too, but just never happens!  I swear I’m physically incapable of sleeping for longer than 6 or 7 hours.  I just can’t seem to stay unconscious for that long.  My schedule was a little scuppered this week with an unexpected day in college, and having nights completely free from revision/blogging/gym and then cramming it all in the next day.  Probably need a better tactic for these coming weeks, what with exams and that.  I find it too easy to procrastinate (not sure if that’s the correct word but hey ho) by going to the gym though!  I’d quite happily be work out twice a day, every day, trying as many different activities as possible.  I genuinely enjoy it!  Motivation isn’t an issue for me exercise-wise, it’s just about finding the time.  For now I should probably calm it down a little I guess.  Can always crank it up again over summer.  Working out feels productive though and endorphins/satisfaction feel so good!  Priorities, that’s what I need to get my head round. 😛

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    25th April 2015 at 10:31 pm

    Great outfit! I love skater-style skirts, they are so versatile!
    I know what you mean about the weather – rain is a bit miserable, but at least this way I don’t feel so bad about having to stay in and study…

    • Reply
      lily kate
      26th April 2015 at 7:41 pm

      Thanks Bekah!
      Ugh staying in and studying is crappy 🙁 I’m revising in the garden when I can!

  • Reply
    27th April 2015 at 9:57 am

    Hi there babe, u ok?
    Lovely blog and post, great outfit, I like your style of writing,
    thanks for sharing this with us.
    Follow back if you don’t mind.
    Visit me whenever you have time;
    Anyway have a lovely week!
    Stay in touch.
    Dominica S.

  • Reply
    Hollie Garner
    27th April 2015 at 11:37 pm

    totally love this outfit! My word, you are so inspirational with your fabulous posts! xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      29th April 2015 at 8:33 am

      Ahh Hollie! <3 Thank you so much girl xxx

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    5 guaranteed ways to kid yourself it's Spring - Joli House
    25th February 2016 at 7:02 am

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