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love this place


The Lake District has gotta be my no.1 place for spontaneous days out!  Mummy and I decided we fancied a trip to the Lakes at around lunchtime, and soon enough the four of us were on the M6 with a flask of coffee and tuna sandwiches packed.  And all our camera stuff.  Because if this place of natural beauty doesn’t scream to be photographed, then nothing does.  We’re both a little snap-happy.  Perfect place for more camera practice, as I promised myself I’d get back into!


I dyed my hair a few shades darker on Friday night – for some bizarre reason the ends were looking ginger-y (in an ombre-gone-wrong kind of way) and I was not a fan.  Sunny highlights yeeee, dodgy brassy ends noooo.  Much better now.


We’re heading to the Lakes for a week in August so I’m sure more exploring will be done then, but for now we stuck to a few old favourites.  This little spot is so whimsical and cute!  It’s just off the road between Skelwith Bridge and Coniston, for anybody that knows the area.  So quaint and stereotypically ‘English countryside’ haha.  Which I love!  The Lakes really is a special place to me (disgustingly cliché as that sounds) because we spent so much time here when I was younger (also bleugh, but true).  I loved it every time then and will continue to for a long time!


Reallyyyy weird observation (and unrelated to the Lake District) but I’m sure my lower legs are disproportionately short for my body.  Definitely looks like it here anyway.  All my body parts look like they should belong to different height people, it’s so strange!


Dad’s decided photobombing is his thing!


Lots of photos of us taking photos of each other taking photos.  My camera strap’s from Etsy years ago.  I love the quirky print.


Managed one shot of Joel between us!  He refused to be in any of my selfies haha, how very dare he. :P  We’re sooo different, in so many ways.  He’s taller than me now though!  My baby brother is about 6’1, how the hell did that happen?




Coniston is such a pretty lake.  We drove along lake Windermere on the way up too, but access to the waters edge is fairly limited.  Very picturesque from the viewpoint at the roadside (where everyone takes their Tupperware and cling-filmed sandwiches for an outing), but not quite the same as being right down by the water.  This particular spot has always been a favourite of ours – I’ve a photograph of me and Joel dangling our legs from this very jetty in about 2004 looking a whole lot chubbier in the cheeks!




#DoItForTheGram never rang more true!  The most uncomfortable angles seem to make the best shots.  From the ground is always a good’en, even if you’ve gotta rock the beached whale look for it!




Yep, that splodge-that-looks-like-sunflare is in every damn photo I took.  Right on my forehead, lovely!  There must be a mark on my lens or something.  Incredibly annoying.  I’ll sort it out.  As I took selfie after shameless selfie I thought it’d be an idea to take a similar shot every time I go somewhere over summer – a collage of different backgrounds and places could be pretty cool to look back on!  What do you reckon?  Summer memz in selfie form?


Windswept on a whole new level.  Forget about having a good hair day, just go with the flow gale.


See those two on the end of the jetty?  Swimming, they were.  Jumped in and out and spashed about a bunch of times.  That water is *&^%ing freezing!  I applaud that bravery.  I’d totally have done it myself though if I’d brought a towel and change of clothes and whatnot.  Plus maybe a hot water bottle and blanket or 6 to keep hypothermia at bay.  Next time, when I’m better prepared, I’ll do it!


Pretty nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon, if you ask me. :D  No particular reason to go, no occasion, no event, just a trip out purely for the sake of it because why not.  You don’t remember the weekends you stay at home, do you?

Let me know what you think of these shots, or if you’ve ever been to the Lakes!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    Hollie Garner
    29th June 2015 at 12:31 am

    what a beautiful post with gorgeous pics Lily! Looks like you all had a fun day out and it looks like a beautiful place! Your hair looks lovely btw xx

    • Reply
      lily kate
      29th June 2015 at 9:16 pm

      Thank you so much Hollie! It’s such a stunning place 😀
      Glad you like the hair! I wasn’t sure whether it’d wash me out at first but with a tan in summer I think we’re good 😀

  • Reply
    29th June 2015 at 8:55 am

    Great photos!! The Lake District is such a stunning part of the country – lucky you to have it so close!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      29th June 2015 at 9:18 pm

      Thank you! I’m so glad it’s only an hour or so away!

  • Reply
    Sarah MacCallum-Orr
    29th June 2015 at 5:37 pm

    The lakes look amazing! I live right on the south coast so they’re a bit of a trek away, but we’ve got beautiful beaches and coastlines here which are good enough! It’s so nice to see whole families involved, blogs always seem so focussed on just one individual.

    Sarah MacCallum-Orr @ Un-Urban Youth

  • Reply
    Lucy Jane
    29th June 2015 at 6:18 pm

    I also love the Lake District as I have so many fond memories from my childhood, when the sun comes out in the lakes it makes everything tent times prettier. I absolutely adore these shots, you look so pretty!

    Infinity Of Fashion// Lucy Jane

  • Reply
    30th June 2015 at 12:40 pm

    Such a beautiful post. Now I want to go on a road trip. hehe 😀 How do you look so beautiful on every single photo? Unbelievable. (little bit jealous) xo

    Antonia || Sweet Passions

    • Reply
      lily kate
      1st July 2015 at 3:55 pm

      Thank you so much Antonia! Road trip every day, yeah? 😛

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