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2 In diary

lily diaries | 23rd november

Monday night seems an odd time for a diary post but hey-ho!  In no particular order, here’s a few random snippets from my week.

Not a bad eye makeup attempt, if I do say so myself!  Considering the 3 minutes before rushing out the door time slot I gave myself anyway.  The Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani palette is an absolute dream, I tell you.  I’ve used it pretty much every day since it arrived, and the sparkly nudes are my fave shades.

A really fun shoot, in a really cool location, with a really talented local brand.  Completely different to anything I’ve done before for the blog, so watch this space!

I bought a vintage 70s shirt with a very 70s pointy collar, then accidentally covered the collar with my hair when I tried taking a few snaps of it.  You can see better in the top photo.  I tried it on with a pair of beige cord flares (for the lols) and looked like Ron Burgundy’s other half, but that was a little overkill on the retro.  I do quite like the colour and collar though, even if it reminds me of my dad’s school photos from back in the day.

Duvet Coat’s first outing.  So snuggly.  (Because England is now practically arctic)

2 days of nice crisp winter weather and pretty skies!  This is the kind of winter I like.

Cute Saturday night pizza and drinks.  My pizza was a damn good choice!

Me, 2 mins before heading out the door.  Me 2 mins after leaving was a whole ‘nother story.  It rained and I forgot my brolly, basically. It wasn’t just drizzle either – I’m talking torrential windy horrible soak-you-to-the-bones rain.  Love it. 🙂 🙂 :)  Made for a very sophisticated arrival looking like a wet dog dragged through a hedge backwards.  Gotta love the old ‘stick your head under a hand dryer’ trick.  Classy!

So yeah, on Thursday I popped along to the Fishergate Face Off Fashion Show (try saying that one quickly) and watched from the front row in slightly damp clothes.  The UCLan fashion marketing (I think) students put on a fab show with the shopping centre’s latest garb, and the show itself made really good use of the Fishergate centre itself.  Escalators / runway, same thing!

Love charity bookshops!  There’s something about books (or anything really) that have lived another life before being passed on.  This shop (St. Catherine’s Hospice Bookshop) is defo my favourite.   The shelves themselves are jam-packed with pretty much every genre under the sun, and then if you can’t find what you’re after, they ALWAYS seem to have it in the back.  They’re super friendly and helpful, too.

So. Many. Pages.

Bought myself a nice little stash for under a tenner!  Some are for A-level history reading, some are my mum’s recommendations, a couple are about travel writing (something I really want to get into) and a few are just ones I liked the sound of.  Including the World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics because… that’s me haha.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

I’m now officially Old, btw.  Buying furniture makes you old, doesn’t it?  So yeah, in my ripe old age I bought myself a nice white table to double up as a better workspace in my bedroom, and handy white background for photographs.  Blogger’s brain eh.  My mum found my first ever pair of shoes the other week, and I thought they looked really cute beside this pair I currently wear that aren’t too different!  Against a white background, obviously.

More food.  Our history group planned a meal out, ain’t we cute?  Didn’t manage a squad photo (well, one that turned out ok) so here’s a pic of my pasta instead.

Bit of hydrangea appreciation even if they’re not pink and blue anymore.

Apologies for the rather lengthy update!  I like writing these diaries every now and then.  Tell me somethin from your diary this week!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    23rd November 2015 at 11:59 pm

    Loved this post Lily, felt so honest and cosy and lovely!! X

    • Reply
      lily kate
      24th November 2015 at 10:12 am

      Thank you Sas! You know me the best hehe x

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