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I’m gonna ignore it | exam burnout

Teen girl portrait by pool. Glam summer outfit

HEY.  So today’s plan is to pretend that these shots were 100% taken this afternoon, and that I’m not currently crashed out in bed with a glass of wine at 6pm on a Friday night.  We’re also going to ignore that my brain probably can’t string a coherent sentence together today because I feel half braindead after this week’s maths exams.  Fairly sure one exam was written by the devil himself (who also goes by ‘AQA’) and one was… tolerable.  Not going as far as ‘good’, but I didn’t come out crying again, so that’s always a plus.

We’re gonna ignore that the short-lived OMG SO HOT summer is over (like we couldn’t have predicted that), and pretend the summer feels are still going strong.  Hint: they’re not.  This is England.  We’ve had our 3 days, that’s our lot, apparently.  Here’s to embracing greyness and drizzle and ‘slightly mild but not warm enough for bare legs’ weather.  Until the sun comes out and we all lose our shit and have 50 barbecues again, ofc.


I’m going to ignore that I’m currently wearing mismatched pyjamas, and pretend every day is an occasion to crack out the handmade dresses.  Something 10x more satisfying about wearing something you’ve made yourself, no?  Little note to self though: don’t wear a dress that fits tight around the waist to a 6 course dinner.  Deep regrets for that one.

On a similar note, I’m going to pretend that every. single. thing. on my ‘summer list‘ (ie. make 834 dresses) is going to happen, and ignore the fact that plans inevitably get thwarted and stuff just… doesn’t happen.  Remaining optimistic.

I’m going to ignore that I’ve been told I look tired 3 times today, hope for a little extra sleep tonight and take a heavier hand with the concealer tomorrow.  Also going to hope I have my wits about me enough to string some decent posts together for next week, lol.


Anyway.  For anyone else who also sat that core 3 exam this week, the chances of answering question 9 were as follows:


Over and out.

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    17th June 2016 at 11:10 pm

    First of all, congrats on surviving this week’s exams! This is a gorgeous outfit and the shots make me think of the nice summer days. Hopefully, the weather in England will improve soon!

    Olivia x
    Liviatiana | Urban Decay Giveaway

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th June 2016 at 5:03 pm

      Thank you Olivia! They make me think of the nice summer days too – whilst sat by a window with rain pouring down it. 😛 Fingers crossed!

  • Reply
    Ella Catherine
    18th June 2016 at 12:34 pm

    Well done getting through exams! I’m half way through uni and I still remember dealing with AQA exams- they were always awful, but I am sure you’ve done well! These shots are just gorgeous! (stupid question alert) but were they taken in the UK because it certainly does not look like it!
    I am now off to follow you on all social media (that sounds a little stalkery but I love your blog!)

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th June 2016 at 5:06 pm

      Thank you so much Ella! Hope yours went well too! AQA are actually evil. 😛 I have a physics exam tomorrow morning and safe to say I am NOT looking forward to it!
      They weren’t taken in the UK no – I wish it looked like that round here. 😛 They were taken in Majorca on a press trip last month! Feel free hehe – I shall stalk you too 😉

  • Reply
    19th June 2016 at 1:36 pm

    Congrats of getting through your exams! I sympathise for you but I haven’t taken one since 2012! Thank god. Such beautiful photos and your writing made me chuckle 🙂

    Sarah | scarletstate.co.uk

    • Reply
      lily kate
      19th June 2016 at 5:19 pm

      Thanks Sarah! Still 3 to go but I’m hanging in there 😀 Lucky you being all done and dusted with them!!
      Thank you so much! Objective achieved 😉

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