I’m free for Christmas, woooo! Well, I started typing this in the textiles room at college today, wearing a light-up musical Christmas tie from our £1 secret santa, half participating in a Christmas quiz and fully participating in eating chocolate. And now I’m actually free for Christmas. Finally! These holidays always fly by and it’ll be January in approximately 2 minutes, but for now I have 17 days to do whatever I want. :D 17 days is a pretty short time frame to make goals for but you know me and my wishful thinking!  Holiday goals, we go.
See the fam properly. No brainer! Will be nice to spend more ‘proper’ time with family. :) Our Christmas day crew isn’t as big as it used to be when I was little, but
Get very merry! If you can’t at Christmas then when can you? Bring it on. Mulled wine, anyone?
Catch up with friends I haven’t seen (properly) in ages. And ones I see every day at college – got a few fun things planned!
Don’t, for the love of God, leave all homework and revision to the last few days.  College student life! That stack of past papers as tall as a mince pie which would just be disgusting to tackle all at once. Don’t do that to yourself Lily. *Goes away to give self a mini pep talk*
Make a chocolate log.  Tradition in our house for the weirdos who don’t like Christmas pudding.  Evening dessert for the normal people who like both.
Dress nice for the sake of dressing nice. Like I need any incentive for that?
Run. Only a few times, let’s not get any silly ideas! Some effort to burn off all the food wouldn’t do any harm though.
Take photographs all day every day. Now this one actually is achievable! Daylight come at me, seriously. Determined to make the most of it!
And the one thing I STILL won’t do is Christmas jumpers. Forever a Scrooge on that one. I wore a plain red sweater on Christmas Jumper Day and said I was taking the Starbucks cup approach.
Get my blogging act together. Come on Lily, get yourself sorted. Stop writing draft titles and failing to fill them.  Time to properly put that Bloggers’ Planner to use me thinks. Was a little birthday present to myself and I love the personalised cover! By now I’ve well and truly failed at Blogmas but hey, I picked the darkest, busiest month of the year, and sometimes plucking ideas out of thin air with no photographs to write around is difficult, especially if you’re trying to consider what people might actually read. I’d rather just skip a day than write something rubbish for the sake of it, you know? No excuses now though!
lily kate x
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17th December 2015 at 11:30 pm17 days? I’m so jealous! Hope you manage to get all the goals sorted. I’m in the middle of setting my blog and fitness goals for the year. Just wondering if you have any fitness related ones? I remember you were a massive inspiration to me about this time last year with all your crazy early morning workouts! I’d love to hear about what you’re wanting to do fitness wise in 2016 🙂
Corinne x
lily kate
18th December 2015 at 11:06 amStudent life! Although I have soooo much work to do and exams after Christmas, so it’s not 100% a break. 🙂
You’ve just given me a post idea! Gonna start writing ‘why I’m not setting fitness goals’ now 😛 I’m so glad to have been an inspiration! Your dedication always inspires me too!
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10th April 2016 at 12:05 pm[…] Christmas, at the beginning of last summer, and on about 10 other occasions, I’ve written a bunch of […]
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15th August 2016 at 3:40 pm[…] back at college tomorrow too – 17 days has gone far too quickly! Looking back at my Christmas holiday goals I’ve not actually done too badly though! Seen the fam properly… got very merry […]