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3 In fashion

fading light

Teen photographed in doorway wearing cream playsuit


Not exactly what you’d expect to find in a charity shop!  This Miss Selfridge beauty was hidden amongst a load of fleeces and curtain print dresses and the like.  Gotta be prepared for a good rummage to find the best stuff.  £4 for a chiffony playsuit though, couldn’t pass that one up!  Much as I love actual vintage stuff, most charity shop stock (round these parts, anyway) is far from it.  I’d hazard a guess this isn’t a pensioner’s donation, anyway. :)  You never know though, some cool granny might like her short shorts!  I always wonder who clothes previously belonged to, and why they didn’t want them any more.  I’ve no idea how old this playsuit is but I love the floatiness and drapiness and shape and it’s perfect and I won’t be donating it for a long time.



A playsuit that is actually long enough, woo!  Tall girls/long bodied girls/tall girls with long bodies (me) will understand the pain.  Literally.  It’s from Miss Selfridge too, where nearly every item seems to be designed for the shorter gals.


Who knew standing in a doorway could take so much effort?  Had to shake my legs out after standing still for 10 seconds, they’re genuinely that sore!  Body Attack and Grit Strength in less than 14 hours will do that to you.  I’ve been to Body Attack loads of times but never the Friday night class with a different instructor and Oh. My. God.  Nearly passed out.  I don’t think I’ve ever jumped backwards and forwards so many times (and so quickly) in my life.  Fun though!  I’m enjoying these really busy group fitness classes loads more than I did my home workouts in the last few months.  I like the social side.  So due to (in spite of?) enjoying thoroughly knackering myself out last night, I booked the strength class for early this morning.  Now after 65827 squats, cleans and presses, and lunges, it takes me a good 5 seconds to actually stand up.


Chronic bitchface strikes again, oops.  Cheesy smiley looked daft, according to mother!  We were kinda rushing to catch the last light of a dull day, too.

cream-miss-selfridge playsuit

Only one week of study leave left now before I’m back to college properly. :(  Zero motivation left for revision now the worst of my exams are over.  Four weeks ‘off’ feels like a teaser summer, no fair!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    Hollie Garner
    30th May 2015 at 11:10 pm

    what a great find at £4,wow what a bargain and it looks amazing! I am quite tall too and it does have it’s problems! Hope you are well lovely x

    • Reply
      lily kate
      31st May 2015 at 9:44 am

      Lucky find wasn’t it! It’s clearly not very old too, so really is a bargain! I could write a whole post on tall girl problems! I might do exactly that. 😀

  • Reply
    Hollie Garner
    31st May 2015 at 11:52 am

    that would be a great read! I might also do one and i guarantee we will have alot of problems in common lol! Have a great day lovely x

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