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Note to self – ‘Deep Red’ hair dye will turn out black. Go me! My plan was red hair and warm tanned skin (c/o St Moriz, obvs) and I’ve ended up looking like Morticia Addams instead. The shower even looked like a murder scene afterwards but nope, a redhead I am not. So that change didn’t go exactly to plan! Maybe it’ll fade red. Hopefully. I’ve felt a bit groggy and sore all over (went for it with leg day and I’ve been paying for it since) but whole load of stretching can’t solve, even if it hurts!



As you can see, I’ve cracked out those boots again already!  Even more casual this time though.  We were (for once) graced by bright winter sun, but also by floods in every field and every track everywhere too.  Half of Lancashire has just turned into a giant puddle.  Outfit photos are still a task and a half!



dress: TU at Sainsbury’s | boots: New Look 





So – just HOW quickly has Christmas crept up on us (again) this year?  Never, ever feel ready.  2015 is pretty much over, whatttt?  I feel like we’re just trying to wrap this year up now before moving swiftly on to the whole New Year, new beginnings, new me, business once the 25th is over.  Blogmas will be over and Blogland will be going crazy over new year soon (me included), ’cause everyone seems to want to get ahead of the game.  Anyone else think all the gift guides and whatnot were out loads earlier this year?  Everyone wants us to see theirs before we’ve been inundated by 50 already.  Heck, some bloggers were cranking out their ‘New Year’ stuff at the beginning of December.  Seems an endless cycle of trying to get ahead of the game!

Sometimes I think it’s nice to jump on the bandwagon and start writing ‘year in review’ stuff like everybody else does.  Blogging makes you more sentimental and nostalgic and reflective (especially if you write about your own life) and I like that.  You think a whole lot more about how your week went or your changes over a year if you document it somehow.  It’s kinda similar to how keeping a diary makes you assess your own thoughts more, or how looking for something to Instagram makes you pay attention to your surroundings more.  That’s one of my main ‘reflections’ or whatever-you-call-them from 2015 – I think I’m a bit more mindful these days.  Wisdom in my old age and that. 😉

Merry Christmas Eve guys!

lily kate x

follow me on bloglovin | twitter | instagram | youtube | email me | images by Amanda France Photography



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