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10 In blogging/ fashion

Our Changing Tastes in Blogging | What Do We Actually Want to Read and Write Anymore?

Good morning/evening/whenever the hell this goes up.  I’m writing this in the bath, on a Tuesday morning, jotting notes in a new notebook that I seriously hope I don’t now drop in the water.  It almost seems more risky than holding my phone.  I wonder how many phones have been casualties of trying to take a cute bath snap and slipping because your bath bomb made the bottom all slidey?

I’m aiming to spend less time aimlessly scrolling (at what point will everything stop being related to New Years Resolutions I wonder?) hence the jotting not typing.  A blank page somehow seems less intimidating than a blank screen.



You see, I have pages and pages of topics I’d like to write about, and a bunch of outfits and other things I’d like to share, but I’m not entirely sure how to go about presenting them in a manner that actually makes sense.

Fashion posts, for example.  Does anybody even read those anymore?  I sure as hell know that ‘I paired this top with this skirt for X Y and Z reason’ doesn’t really hold my interest (nor catch my attention) much nowadays.  Gone are the days when blogging was that easy!  Oversaturation did it I think.  There’s A LOT of bloggers out there doing the same thing.  Basically, I started typing a post to go with these photos about 3 times yesterday, and each time thought ‘nah that’s boring’, even though I really like the outfit.  It feels very me, and I like that.  However, unless you’re informing people of where to buy clothes or how to style items, there’s only so much to say. I’ve written an ode to these boots more than enough times already, anyway!

If I’m clicking on fewer and fewer fashion posts, then I’m fairly sure others are too.  Back when I started blogging I read them religiously, but my viewing tastes have evidently shifted quite a bit since then.  Love me a juicy ‘life’ topic to nosy at now.  Wishlists and the like just don’t really do it for me.


I’ve written before about how there are things I feel I’m just not allowed to say, and tbh the feeling sometimes extends into blogging.  I have my opinions, some of them quite strong, but don’t want to alienate or offend people.  I don’t have quite the balls to say I *completely* don’t care what people think, because at the end of the day we all do.  So for now, I’m working on expressing these million and one ideas in a blog suitable manner, because I’d rather slowly figure it out than waffle about products I’m not really fussed about anyway.

There has actually been a rise lately in bloggers covering more touchy/personal/important topics, and I think that’s bloody brilliant.  Gals are doing a cracking job of proving that bloggers aren’t by default narcissistic posers with nothing between their ears, but actually have something meaningful to say (and let’s face it, are 100% replacing magazines on the ‘juicy topic’ front).






And ironically on that note, I’ll conclude this meaningless post because my bathwater’s gone cold and I’m not about that life.


P.S. Still have to tell you where my clothes are from at least don’t I?  My skirt’s from River Island and is one of those wonderful items that fits large so you can size down (this size 8 isn’t tight on me and I’m usually a 10 – it’s a long time since my arse has been a size 8 haha).  Boots are my beloved Marks & Spencer and are sold out (again) but I’d keep your eyes peeled if you fancy a pair, my shirt’s a Forever21 one that goes with everything, and I can’t for the life of me remember where the choker’s from so sorry about that.

P.P.S On the off chance that there’s something specific you’d like to see on Joli House (which has a new header if you hadn’t noticed – I much prefer it!) then slide into my DMs/comments/emails and let me know.  I’ve had a few questions about fitness and photography related posts already, but am open to suggestions!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    10th January 2017 at 9:34 pm

    I love posts like these! It feels like actually getting to know someone rather than just being presented with a facade – so more thoughts and musings on life alongside those outfit posts I think 🙂 xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      13th January 2017 at 12:00 pm

      I’m so glad Lucy! I hope that this blog never comes across as a facade 🙂 There would only be so much I could say about outfits anyway!

  • Reply
    10th January 2017 at 10:44 pm

    I think I have to totally agree. I’ve sort of always gravitated towards more personal-type posts, I’m a bit reader and so I love hearing about people’s experiences, thoughts and new things. I find I still click on fashion boots if the outfit catches my eye, but I’m not really into reading just about the clothes, I just want to look and if I like something I just want a link to click on. I think the thing to do now, and something I want to do, is combine the two. Where it makes sense, bring in your shots that would normally go in fashion posts and combine them with meaningful and interesting words.


    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      13th January 2017 at 12:07 pm

      Same here, my interest in purely fashion posts died down pretty quickly! I remember the bloggers who have something to say alongside their nice photos. 🙂

  • Reply
    15th January 2017 at 5:51 pm

    I love the way you write, it makes me want to just keep on reading. You’re totally right, these days people prefer to read more personal posts . I personally prefer lifestyle kind of posts , you know, stuff like travel diaries, tips , those kind of things. I still like a good outfit post though. Speaking of outfits, love your skirt. It’s beautiful. xx


    • Reply
      lily kate
      17th January 2017 at 6:56 pm

      That’s such a fab compliment, thank you so much! That’s what I like reading so can only hope others like reading my personal posts too 🙂
      The skirt was a good find wasn’t it!

  • Reply
    Laura Galloway
    29th March 2017 at 8:35 am

    Loved this. Things I looked for in blogs a few years ago is completely different to what I look for nowadays. I love that we can drop this “niche” business and just talk about what we’re interested in.
    Also love your outfit. It’s like a cross between Linda Evangelista, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Liz Hurley.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      2nd April 2017 at 9:25 pm

      Thank you Laura! I think niches maybe work for a short time, but aren’t exactly sustainable.
      That’s just about the biggest compliment ever – thank you so so much!

  • Reply
    Hannah @ The Northern Writes
    19th June 2017 at 9:09 am

    I tend to agree. I have a list of things I want to write about, and those I feel I have to in order to get any engagement. If it were totally up to me I’d write about books, restaurants and cats all day! Maybe I should, I’m just not that brave.

    Hannah @ The Northern Writes | http://www.thenorthernwrites.co.uk

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      25th June 2017 at 7:22 pm

      A blog about books, restaurants and cats sounds good to me! It’s really difficult to figure out which blog posts are best to write, because it can feel demotivating if nobody reads the posts you enjoy writing the most. But blogging for blogging’s sake doesn’t seem like a good idea either!

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