In Denmark/ travel copenhagen part 2 | how to make the most of a weekend trip If you hadn’t gathered from my first blog post, I liked Copenhagen rather a lot. It’s a city of cosy, tasty, friendly, and pretty… Continue Reading →
In travel copenhagen part 1 | canals, cameras, and all things cosy When your pal texts ‘Heyy random question, do you want to go to Copenhagen this weekend?xx‘, you say YES. Immediately. Is there any other … Continue Reading →
In travel/ UK travel yorkshire dales | a very, very last minute trip You know those times when you really, really, just want to get away for a few days? I mean, happens pretty often and if… Continue Reading →
In lifestyle/ travel/ UK travel top of the tower Given that I’ve said many a time how I love playing ‘tourist at home’, you’d think I’d have made the most of the ~tourist… Continue Reading →
In lifestyle/ travel finding the ‘grammable where you least expect it First things first – I am free! Exams are over! I can continue with life without a little creature whispering ‘You should be revising’… Continue Reading →
In Netherlands/ travel a weekend in Eindhoven | the underrated city break destination So, Eindhoven – rather random isn’t it? And that’s exactly what we loved about it. Erin, Ellie and I met at a travel blogging… Continue Reading →
In lifestyle/ Open University/ travel/ UK travel Inspiring thoughts from inspiring women in physics | CUWiP 2018 Sincere apologies for what may be the longest blog hiatus on record. BAD blogger. Well, I know it’s unlikely anybody was waiting with baited… Continue Reading →