In knitting/ lifestyle the scalloped summer knit Just a quick one from me today to show you the latest knit off the needles at casa del Joli House. I love it,… Continue Reading →
In diary/ lifestyle/ Open University life lately: the ‘forward slash’ career & hoping for the best Long time, no blog. My little corner of the internet has been rather neglected lately and for that I… don’t apologise because nobody is… Continue Reading →
In DIY/ knitting/ lifestyle the puff sleeve knit impossible to not notice that puff sleeves/ruffle sleeves/ statement sleeves of some form are having a bit of a moment. They’re on every shelf… Continue Reading →
In lifestyle/ modelling how to be more comfortable in front of the camera (& a few posing tips) Rather a random post topic from me today, but I thought there may be folks who found find posey posey talk interesting! Becoming comfortable… Continue Reading →
In knitting/ lifestyle a new design | white rib handknit sweater If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Ravelry (posting on there again these days too!) then you’ll have seen this knit already, but… Continue Reading →
In lifestyle/ modelling march 2019: modelling, making & more Years ago I used to write these posts all the time, titled ‘The Lily Diaries’ back in the day. The title is more than… Continue Reading →
In beauty/ lifestyle the endless quest for a good hair day Today I am going to talk about hair. Specifically my long-ish, mousy brown, fairly nondescript mop, and how I try to make it a… Continue Reading →