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5 In blogging/ ramblings

blogging | my observations so far


It’s been 7 months since I threw myself into this blogging lark, and I’ve made a few observations along the way.  I’ve been wondering if anyone else has had similar thoughts?

Content.  What appeals to you?  This post by Wonder Forest made me think about my personal ‘click through rate’, and what it is exactly that triggers me to click through from Bloglovin.  Like many blog readers I’m attracted by good photography, but without an accompanying commentary, there’s no guarantee I’ll click through.  I like to hear a bit of the story or background, even if it is just a ‘what I wore to Uni today’.  My preferred posts – to both read and write – are ‘observations’ on events, trends or life in general really. since I think they allow a blogger’s personality to shine through.  Feeling a ‘connection’ to a blogger certainly makes me a more loyal reader.  It’s the blogs that regularly post along these lines (such as Scarphelia) that I’ll click through no matter what the title may be.  Writing is my ‘thing’ and to have an outlet for my ramblings was one of my main reasons for blogging, so it’s more often than not the verbal content of a blog that’ll guarantee my interaction.  That said, I’m also a sucker for tutorials and advice-offering lists (aren’t we all?), and any post that I feel I might learn something from reading appeals to me for sure!

Interaction.  A word you hear a lot in relation to blogging.  How much do you need to make your blogging experience satisfying?  Fo me, it’s key to on-line journaling but I understand that many bloggers simply don’t have the hours in the day to reply to every comment. Realistically, I wouldn’t expect them to.  On the other hand, I’ll admit that I do find it off-putting when bloggers make no effort to interact with their readers.  Aside from leaving comments, there’s always Twitter etc.  Leaving questions unanswered or not acknowledging replies especially when they have posted a question seems a little odd to me.   For me, blogging enjoyment is dependent on interaction; I suspect it’s the minority of bloggers who start with the intention of blogging in isolation.  We’re all sociable people, I like to think!  Every now and then I get the impression that certain bloggers reach a level of ‘popularity’ at which they feel they are no longer obliged to acknowledge us mere mortals. ;)  Not gonna lie, I do find this kinda  strange really.  I mean, how long does it take to type 140 characters max?

Authenticity. Do OOTDs really need to be OTD? A few years ago an ‘OOTD’ was exactly that, the actual outfit you wore on that actual day; now it seems commonly accepted that this isn’t really practical.  Personally I don’t have a problem with the fact that photos are often taken in batches at the weekend; longer days mean the situation isn’t so difficult at the moment but in December it would’ve been impossible to get any decent shots during the week.  What do you think?  Would you rather make a compromise on photography and get authentic OOTD shots or are you OK with this ‘staged’ element of blogging?  I tend to fall somewhere in between and quite often shoot outfits that I’ve worn in the previous week or will be wearing in the next week all in one shoot at the weekend.  This fits my photographer’s schedule better too.  🙂

lily kate x
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  • Reply
    27th March 2014 at 2:18 pm

    Oh! Staged OOTD?! No way! Am I surprised? Maybe a bit, but it seems eminently practical. In truth, I don’t have any problems with this. I’m just feigning shock to pull you leg a little. But maybe the outfit is only part of the equation for you, is kind of what I’m hearing. Like if the outfit is not strictly speaking of today, your thoughts, ideas, and opinions are ‘of the day’. And if you’ve got some nice togs on, we want to see them too.

    • Reply
      1st April 2014 at 8:06 pm

      Haha you had me for a second there Max! Any other way would probably be quite impractical so I guess it’s the best compromise to make. ‘Thoughts of the day’ is how I’d like to think my posts seem 😀

  • Reply
    28th March 2014 at 4:51 pm

    Interesting post, I actually agree about interaction. It’s particularly annoying when a blogger/youtuber talks about a particular product leaves no link or information in the down bar but then fails to answer when people ask where the product was from. I try to reply to all of the comments on my blog as it’s something I enjoy I can’t see why you can’t do this for 50+ comments, but making an attempt to browse through reply too the odd one, or answer any questions does seem so unrealistic especially for people who’s blog is there full time job… x


    • Reply
      28th March 2014 at 4:52 pm

      I *can see (not can’t haha!)

    • Reply
      1st April 2014 at 8:11 pm

      Thanks Rinica! I get what you mean – like they’re trying to keep us guessing for effect! I don’t always manage to reply immediately but I reply to every comment too. I’d have thought that running a blog full time would involve an element of engaging with readers, so it just seems strange not to reply to at least a couple of comments!

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