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an autumn photo diary | road trips & day trips

Happy weekend, guys and gals!  Not that weekends are particularly significant in this distance student/blogger/winging-it life of mine, but whatever.  I shall cheers to Friday nonetheless!

Before it gets to wine o’clock (tea is still in hand) I thought I’d put together a little photo diary and have a chitchat about the last few weeks.  They’ve been odd ones!

One of my autumn goals had been to get behind the camera more, and I can safely say I’ve achieved that.  Obviously some of these snaps are of me not by me, but I’ve taken the majority myself.  This gal got snap happy lately, you see!  Since my beloved baby G7X is away being repaired I’ve been using both an SLR and my Huawei phone camera more, so my photo style has changed a little bit.   Just playing around. :)  More free time and more fabby autumn light (have you seen the sunrises and sunsets atm???) are giving me lots to play with.  A couple of people have actually noticed a change too, so that makes me happy!




Not even a mini road trip is complete without a flask of coffee!  This attempt to capture the steam on camera failed miserably but the coffee did an A* job of warming me up nonetheless.  Yep, it’s only October and I’m banging on about it being cold already!  Cold enough for jumpers and scarves but not freezing is just nice.  Although some exciting news about a trip somewhere much colder than England landed in my inbox this week, so I best get used to it.  Tips for packing for Baltic countries in December on a postcard, please!


As well as starting to build a portrait photography portfolio (more on that soon!) I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for photogenic views/angles/general cool stuff.  I’ve hopped on the train across the estuary from Arnside to Grange many a time (mainly on family trips to the bakery over there, not gonna lie) and always thought it’s pretty picturesque as train tracks go.  Quite happy with how this one turned out!   The best shots are the ones you have to do an awkward squat for, don’t ya know.


For the sake of my own sanity another autumn goal had been to make sure I go out at least once a day – even when I don’t technically need to – and that’s a commitment I’m glad I made!  Or else I’d probably have gone a little bit more mad.  I loved travelling abroad on my own (everyone should do it!), and I’m quite liking paying more attention to things closer to home on my own too.  I probably looked like a weirdo with a serious obsession with leaves when I took these, but what the hell!


I hate myself a little bit sometimes too, don’t worry. 🙂


Yesterday I hopped on the train over to York for the most needed catch-up ever with Saskia, and certainly wasn’t gonna pass up the opportunity to wap out my camera there either.  Kind of annoying that the train windows were so dirty tbh, because the train across the Pennines has the best views.  The high-speed Virgin train to London ain’t got nothing on this one!  Well, it does have plug sockets, but still.





Is it possible to visit York without taking at least 10 photos of the Minster?  I think not.  Fun fact: I saw the queen here once!  Can’t remember why she was visiting but we noticed a hell of a large crowd gathering, noseyed around to see what the fuss was about, and there she was.  Hope you feel better for knowing that.

Fudge shop in the Shambles, York

I frickin love fudge omg.  Never mind how sickly it makes you feel, lemon meringue fudge is the bomb!

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

Also, how good is the quality of my phone camera?  Not bad Huawei, not bad!  I pretty much chose the P9 for the dual lens Leica camera and have not been disappointed.  (York pics are a mix of my phone and Canon 400D, all others are Canon 7D btw).



I don’t think me and Saskia are actually capable of being in each others’ company without tea being involved.  3am cups of tea when you’ve had enough gin, anyone?  Seriously though, this cafe couldn’t have been cuter if it tried.  I can’t for the life of me find it online, but if anybody’s headed to York, it’s right my the National Trust Treasurer’s House on Minster Yard (behind the Minster ofc).  Expect mismatched vintage teacups, incredibly steep winding stairs, bunting, low ceilings, and a view of York Minster.  Old British stereotypes at their finest.



And now my belly is making odd noises and telling me that I absolutely must go cook dinner now.  So that’s all from me!

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    21st October 2016 at 10:20 pm

    I love these photos! I think your camera phone looks good quality. I need to go to York too and have a look around. I love that mirror selfie too. I must find a decent mirror when I am out and about and try some photos too. So fun.

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      23rd October 2016 at 5:08 pm

      Yay thank you Max! I’m sure you’d love York. Haha operation Find Cute Mirror commences 😛

  • Reply
    22nd October 2016 at 12:37 pm

    Your photography skills are really impressive. I absolutely love those photos. Your photos always look so warm and natural. Definitely one of the many things that makes me love your blog so much. xo

    Antonia || Sweet Passions

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      23rd October 2016 at 5:11 pm

      Aw thank you Antonia, you’re always so kind! Hopefully practice is paying off. At the minute warm autumnal tones are working really well! Lots of love xo

  • Reply
    22nd October 2016 at 3:43 pm

    Gorgeous pictures! Your photography skills are brilliant – especially love the ones of leaves and the sun peaking through! I’m at uni in York, I hope you had a lovely time – sounds like you went to Crumbs Cakery ? That ring any bells?

    JosieVictoriaa // Travel, Fashion & Lifestyle

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      23rd October 2016 at 5:14 pm

      Thanks so much Josie! The autumn light at the minute is just fab. I was visiting my friend at uni in York, I’ve never been to the university before! Just googled it and yes, that’s the one haha 😛 Thanks!

  • Reply
    23rd October 2016 at 3:22 pm

    I have the P9 as well, and I adore the camera – easily the best camera I’ve had on a phone. I especially love the monochrome sensor, you get such a wide dynamic range with it!

    And you use it so well to, you have a great eye for the shots!

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      31st October 2016 at 9:54 pm

      It’s easily the best I’ve had too! I haven’t actually played with an iPhone 7 yet to know what their camera is like but I prefer Android to Apple anyway. The monochrome sensor is crazy good isn’t it!
      Thank you very much, I’m glad they came out ok!

  • Reply
    23rd October 2016 at 6:44 pm

    Great photos! I really must get myself a better camera! (Or is it that I need to become a better photographer??) I think I need to set myself the task of getting out every day too, being stuck in front of my laptop all day is making me go a little crazy! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      30th October 2016 at 11:45 pm

      Thank you Lucy! It honestly makes SUCH a difference to my mood when I just go out and about, looking at a laptop screen all day drives me insane too!

  • Reply
    24th October 2016 at 5:10 pm

    Awesome photos! Love the combination of autumn colours! makes me miss autumn so much after living in Australia and Ecuador for over 5 years, with no autumn! Great emotions in the photos !

    • Reply
      Lily Kate France
      31st October 2016 at 10:00 pm

      Thank you so much! I feel like I’m really appreciating the autumn colours in the UK this year, I guess we’re very lucky to have them! Although your summers will have been 10x better of course 🙂

  • Reply
    24th October 2016 at 6:24 pm

    Lovely photos and a very uplifting blog post.
    Thank you for sharing!

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