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autumn goals | making the next season a good one

As every gal and their mother has pointed out already, IT’S AUTUMN, PEOPLE.  Not that hint of an autumn followed by a hint of an Indian summer we had a couple of weeks ago, but the real deal.  Dun dun dun.  And that’s about as dramatic as it’s possible to make a bit of drizzle and increased intake of hot beverages sound.


It’s become something of a tradition of mine to make seasonal goals rather than New Years ones.  Seems more relevant to make goals when something’s actually changed I think – the first of January is an awful lot like the 31st of December in many ways.  Just significantly more hungover.  So yes, goals, wishlists, ideas, that kind of thing.  Not entirely sure how to define them but let’s go!


Actually dress for the conditions and not live in perpetual denial of British weather.  It’s been nearly 19 years, it’s about time I sussed.  DO NOT get caught out in the rain without an umbrella every 2 days.  Learn from mistakes.  And for the love of god don’t wear flimsy faux suede plimsolls in the rain (again).

Keep a wall calendar.  Not a diary calendar, or a folder – a wall one.  Of the ‘large enough to require many blobs of blu-tack’ variety.  there’s always a hell of a lot going on in these few months and I think seeing it all laid on on the wall should make life easier

Make more UK trips.  You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been gallivanting around overseas more than usual over the last few months, and little old England has been slightly brushed under the carpet.  Time to change that!  Now that I have friends dotted around the country at university I’ve a perfect excuse to hop on trains to go visit.  There’s so much more of the UK that I’m yet to explore – I’m craving another trip to Scotland, especially.  Tbh it’s about time I stopped talking about plans like this and actually organised something though!

Get outside no matter the weather.  Following on from the last one, I need to just find a more practical waterproof than my duvet coat (only suitable in temperatures below 5 degrees or I will actually melt) and just get out.  This year was the first in many that we haven’t had a family summer trip to the Lakes, so daddio and I are planning some day trips to get out on the hills.


Bake more again.  GBBO you got me, and the rest of the country, inspired lol.  Plus my mum made malteser muffins last night and oh em gee tasting those took me straight back to my kiddie days – so good!  I actually used to be an incredibly keen young baker back in the day (if you fancy a giggle check out this 2008 blog post from when Joli House was still written by my mum about my spontaneous baking habit), but I haven’t baked much lately.  Autumn is cosy and foodie and the perfect time though.  I have a few good’ens in my repertoire already, but am keeping my eyes peeled for more healthy recipes too.  Because food that tastes indulgent but is actually healthy is about as good as it gets in life.

Plan something different for my birthday.  Yay for autumn being my birthday season!  I fancy doing something unusual to mark 19.  It seems less of a big deal than 18 because there’s nothing more you can legally do (gotta wait until 21 to drive a bus, dammit) but still.  I want to do something fun. :)  As of yet, I have zero ideas – tell me how you spent your favourite birthday and feed me some inspo!

Build a photography portfolio.  This gal is set to be behind the camera more from now!  I’ve really enjoyed taking all my travel photos, and realised it’s been ages since I’ve taken anything resembling portraits that doesn’t involve me setting up a self timer and running into shot.  Over the next few weeks I have a couple of baby, family and child sessions pencilled in, so I’m hitting Pinterest big time for inspo and looking forward to capturing cute moments.  Hoping to start building a portfolio and take it from there.

Wear boots every day.  OK so that’s hardly a goal, but I needed to slip a mention in somewhere!  And now’s the part where I tell you these boots are from… good ol’ Primark.  Hell to the yes.  You probably know of my long time love affair with all things over-the-knee, and my obsession with winter boots, so you can imagine how happy I was to find that none other than Primarni had brought out a pair that look far more expensive than the £20 they are.  The best part?  No rumply saggy ankles.  They come in black, too!


So there you have a not-at-all-groundbreaking list of Lily’s AW life goals.  You are absolutely welcome (and feel free to tell me yours, too!).



On a random note, I’ve just noticed that after yesterday’s impulsive bedroom clearout I’ve managed to end up with a small bottle of gin, sat in a basket of yarn, tucked under unfinished bra-making projects.  Said wicker basket now looks like it belongs to an elderly lingerie fanatic with a secret gin addiction.  Life.

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    3rd October 2016 at 4:44 am

    Autmn already! OMG where did the time go? Here we were still having too hot weather until all of a sudden it was too cold and rainy!! I will add getting a raincoat to my goals. I have short rain jackets and wet legs have already caught me out more than once. Also I fear my coat choices are always too sporty or mumsy. Add that to footwear that is also rather orthopedic, and you know, let’s not dwell on it. Other goals are to finish my thesis, see my friends more, and master The Blues-a new ice dance I am starting. It is a dance in the “Senior Silver” category that sounds to me like they are dances for old farts, but I am keen to learn it.

    • Reply
      lily kate
      3rd October 2016 at 3:48 pm

      I know!!! I’m wearing tights today!!! Let’s learn to dress practically for our rainy weather, yeah? Your ice dance sounds really cool! Who cares if it’s for senior silvers 😛

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