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Life’s Fuzzy Moments and Why Travel Can be One of Them | 25 Hours Hotel Hamburg

Flicking back to Hamburg briefly for today’s post!  I turned to Twitter a couple of weeks ago to ask what to do with my bajillion and one photos from Hamburg, (twitter poll – what other way to answer life’s questions) and you guys told me to split my posts up, so here you are.  Hamburg pt. 2!

I’m saving my favourite travel moments 2016 for a roundup post, coming soon to a blog near you, but Hamburg in general could go on that list tbh.  The whole city was most definitely one of my favourites!  A large part to play in that was the hotel, despite the fact that I only spent 1 night there.


Hamburg gave me those (vom alert) warm fuzzy feels, in both the literal and metaphorical sense.  Literally cosy and warm indoors, that is.  Not quite so warm outside.  I had several of those moments where you realise that you’re just so content and happy with life right now – the ones that have you grinning your face off without even realising it, you know?


Life has a few of those moments – when you meet someone new, hit it off immediately and think ‘YES I want this person in my life’… when you’re at home surrounded by all the people and things you love and are just so content with life right now… or when a place just seems so ‘you’ that you couldn’t think of anywhere you’d rather be that second.  To name a few.  This maybe seems like an odd comparison to draw but I’ve seen many a post in Facebook travel groups about travel helping soothe a breakup or being the best cure for loneliness, so there are obviously some similarities.  Feelings might seem unrelated but I think the buzz could come from either people or places.  Or both, for the really special ones.

I’ll never be able to choose between cities and country breaks, but I’ve sussed by now that either environment can make you feel equally happy.  So that’s the kind of travel that I absolutely love – the places that make you feel welcome and make life as easy as possible.  The happy feels can come in all sorts of situations.  Safe to say my short but sweet stay at the 25Hours Hotel Hafencity was one of those.  Here’s why, in words and pictures!




The maritime theme running through the hotel makes it unique (info in a ships logbook, welcome note in a message in a bottle etc.) but doesn’t feel OTT.  Meeting rooms in old shipping containers are cool though.


There’s attention to detail paid without being stuffy and feeling like you shouldn’t leave your room with a hair out of place.  Because let’s face it, this gal ain’t ever gonna be tidy.  I try, but no.


Gotta appreciate places that go out of their way to make life easy for you and know exactly what you need.  Like portable phone chargers available to borrow, it’s like they just know how much of a numpty I am and have readily prepared numpty assistance.


Macs for you to use as you wish, an honesty library, and a tea bar.  Actual blogger dream.


If I had a driving license (and was a couple of years older so I could drive abroad, but whatever) I’d have definitely made the most of the Minis available to take for a spin – yes you read that correctly  – they have a fleet of Minis for you to borrow in Hamburg.  What the.  There are bikes too for the mere mortals like myself though, don’t worry 🙂


Like I mentioned in this post, Hamburg isn’t particularly a pretty city – it’s impressive in its own way.    Case in point.  I woke up to this sunrise (literally jumped out of bed, opened the curtains and was greeted with this treat of a view) – not your typical ‘pretty’ sunrise but I kinda like the cranes and scaffolding and whatnot.



Oh and I actually practiced my rusty language skills and pleasantly surprised myself with how much German I understood, so that’s a bonus!  For once I wasn’t the idiot Brit who had to ask everyone if they spoke English.  If you’d asked me to translate certain sentences a month ago I wouldn’t have had a clue, but somehow being in the environment it all came back to me.  I’m by no means fluent (farrr from it) but I could get by.  Not that I needed to because everybody at the hotel (and most other places) spoke perfect English and was really helpful, but at least I could try!




Behold the crashed out Lily who wanted nothing less than to move from the comfy ass chair to catch a plane home.  Who can relate to the travel fuzzy feels?

Vlog of my trip here!

lily kate x

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My stay at 25Hours Hotel was complimentary through Hamburg Tourism, however all opinions are 100% my own.







  • Reply
    19th December 2016 at 11:06 pm

    Spare phone chargers and Minis and bikes to borrow? What an absolute dream of a hotel! Completely agree that travel can be a fuzzy moment when the place makes you feel so at home – I had that feeling in Toronto last year 🙂 I would quite happily move there! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy

  • Reply
    25Hours Hotel Bikini Berlin
    2nd December 2018 at 10:20 pm

    […] get the chance.  I already knew I’d like the hotel after how much I enjoyed staying at the 25Hours in Hamburg a couple of years ago (almost exactly 2 years ago on a very short and sweet solo trip) but let me […]

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