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4 In fashion

after apple picking | no-gape dungaree jeans

Brunette wearing dungarees and Bardot top. Teen outfit

Bonjour!  2 days of travelling later (the numb bum feels were real) and we made it to Brittany.  By some miracle we avoided getting stuck in the 14 hour traffic jams that had been all over the news, but that’s still a good number of hours in a car!  I’ve now seen a hell of a lot of French fields, so there’s that to add to my list of life experiences.  Anyhow, so begins 10 days in the countryside.  Aka 10 days of wearing as many summer-y outfits as possible.


Summer-y in a loose sense of the phrase I mean – haven’t been blessed with a heatwave here yet!  Bikini made it out for an hour or two.  I tried tanning.  And failed miserably.  Denim weather for a few hours it was.  If you can’t dress twee and stroll around picking apples in a French country garden, then where can you really?  Apparently I look like Ellie Mae Clampet but what the hell.


The zero-obligations-life is bloody brilliant.  Want to laze around on a blanket under an apple tree doing absolutely nothing of merit?  Go for it.


Warning you now that you’re gonna see an awful lot of the M&S sale around these parts.  Spoiler alert: M&S reduce prices LOADS – definitely worth checking out their sale racks!  We’re starting with these dungarees.  They’re an excellent replacement for my old H&M pair with the funny zip that I have to wear a safety pin with to avoid flying low all day.  Wasn’t my finest look, y’know?


dungarees: Marks and Spencer | top: Miss Selfridge | shoes: TU at Sainsburys


Even though dungarees in every shape and colour been a trend for ages now (and we all know I’m all for a good bandwagon) I’m pretty picky with the ones I’ll actually wear.  The ‘loose dungarees because I’m oh so casual and effortless’ look just doesn’t work and I just look like I’m wearing a baby’s nappy from behind.  Skinny jean dungarees though?  Yes pls.  These are skinny to the point that you have to do that weird little dance to get in them (refuse to believe that’s just me) but once they’re on, the fit is perfff.  Nice thick denim that doesn’t feel like it’s going out of shape any time soon and a nicely ankle-grazing length.  And a waistband that actually doesn’t gape – halle-frickin-lujah.  Now to go easy on the baguettes so that they’ll actually stay that way…




May or may not have snuck these cuties into the supermarket trolley in between the cereal and vegetables.  Can you blame me?  Bright pink lacy espadrilles couldn’t scream ‘holiday’ more if they tried.






I’m on holiday and found perfect jeans.  Life is good atm. 🙂

lily kate x

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  • Reply
    31st July 2016 at 11:14 pm

    Those dungarees are so nice! I usually am not a fan of them. But the tight fitting pair is so flattering!

    • Reply
      lily kate
      3rd August 2016 at 1:07 pm

      They’re so cute aren’t they! I only like the skinny ones too, the baggy ones really don’t seem to do your shape any favours!

      • Reply
        4th August 2016 at 3:07 pm

        Sadly, the baggy ones are ridiculously popular this summer where I live in Canada. It’s painful.

        • Reply
          lily kate
          7th August 2016 at 5:11 pm

          They’re just not good are they? IMO, anyway!

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